Ryanne Glenn is a member of the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers in Denver, CO, where she works as an image analyst for a bioscience company. She has a degree in Chemical and Biological Engineering with a minor in Biomedical Engineering. She loves to golf, though after playing for twelve years, her handicap should be much lower than it is. Between writing and work, she often visits her hometown of Fruita, Colorado, to spend time with her family and dogs, Coco, Pebbles, and Captain Carl.
Ryanne started writing short stories when she was ten and was first published in Fruita’s local newspaper. She took her first creative writing class in high school, and was inspired to expand her writing into poetry and longer stories. After struggling with depression in her first year at college, she turned back to writing as a healthy outlet for her emotions. She wants to write strong female role models and is excited to share her stories with the world.